We return to the pool this week for our last week of swimming instruction until Term 4. Here are our goals we are working on:Jarrod: Swinging my feet when diving : I am going to work on this in Term 4Jack: Breathing with freestyle: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to try to swim faster
Gabby: Breathing on my back: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to swim a length without getting tired
Joshua: Keeping his eyes open, watching where I’m swimming: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to work on getting my arms straighter
Hollie: Keeping my body straight in freestyle: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to work on making my arms going faster
Keisha: Swimming the whole width without stopping: I can do this on my back, in Term 4 I am going to aim to get right across
Piper: Breathing on my back: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to work on going faster and work on not getting water up my nose in backstroke
Emma: In backstroke keeping my legs together: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to do better freestyle
Kiana: Trying to not sink: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to practice my breathing when doing freestyle
Brianna: Faster with the 200m challenge: I almost achieved this, I am going to work on this in Term 4
Charlotte: Keeping my arms out of the water in freestyle: I achieved this. I am going to work on swimming across the pool without stopping.
Lily: Working on my breathing in freestyle, I achieved this. In Term 4 I am going to work on my backstroke
Jolene: Diving – going across the pool: I achieved this. In Term 4 I want to be able to swim 100m.
Tom: Being more confident to put my head under. I achieved this. In Term 4 I want to swim a whole width without stopping
Savannah: Working on my breathing in freestyle: I achieved this. In Term 4 I want to swim faster.
Olivia: Keeping my legs straight when kicking. I achieved this, I am now going to work on keeping my body straight.
Riley: Diving – keep my head down. I did this, In Term 4 I want to be able to keep my legs straight
Francis: Keep afloat with my starfish on my back. I can do this. I want to be able to swim a 100m.
Luka: Swimming straight in backstroke. I was able to do this. I need to be able to swim faster 100m.
Tyrone: Backstroke – legs keeping straight. I will still need to do this.
Jared: Kicking and putting my head under. I will still need to work on this.
Ethan: Keeping afloat on my back. I still need to work on this in term 4.
Tommy: Diving out – not down. I still need to work on this in term 4.
Liam: Diving – keep my head down. I almost achieved this, i want to keep my legs straight.
Lenique: Diving – keep my head down – fingers go in before my feet. I achieved this. In Term 4 I am going to work on swimming 100m without stopping.
Cameron: Keeping my body long. I improved on this but I still need to work on it in Term 4.