All term the children in Room 18 have been learning about sound. What makes sound, how we can recognise sound, interesting facts about sound. Our Global Learning Intention was " to investigate" and that is what we have done! Here is some fantastic work as a quick hour evaluation, using kidpix, to let their teacher (who has been out of the classroom a lot!) know what they now know or have found interesting. Well done Room 18. Great work.
The children have been busy learning how to write their own posts, with a new login! Each blog group has been given challenges over the last few weeks - so please stick with us as we experiment.
I recently found a good movie about the Habits of Mind and what it means. I thought it would be useful for parents to view so they have a deeper understanding of what we are trying to achieve in the classroom with the children , and so as parents you are more aware of what the children mean. Please watch and talk to your children about the Habits they use frequently within the classroom. Please also give us some feedback on how useful you found it.
We are learning to perform a play in front of an audience. jarrodWe are learning to use a clear voice.tyrone We are learning to act out the words.chelsea
We are learning to perform a play. Success criteria for a play: speck clearly, persist, know your lines, don't just stand there, communicate, smile , don't put your book in front of you, practice.
Today we have been talking about Christmas and this is what my blog group wanted Jolene wanted binoculars Hollie wanted a popcorn maker and Andrew wanted a book.We all like christmas.
We have been talking about christmas,how we could get presents that are not expiseve for our parents to get,i would want any thing that is Michael Jakson.