Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bad Jelly stories

We have been learning to use similes. These are our Bad Jelly character descriptions using similes. We had to keep them short, use at least 2 similes and add adjectives. How well did we do?

Mudwiggle is as strong as the Hulk. His muscles are as small as an ant. He wears a stripy top and has a hat with a light on the top. Mudwiggle likes to roll in mud. He likes to lift weights and he likes helping people. I chose Mudwiggle because he is strong.


Mudwiggle is a worm that is as strong as a brick. Mudwiggle is as small as a bumblebee. Mudwiggle wears a rainbow top. Mudwiggle is as long as a handle. He has big bright hazel eyes. Mudwiggle has a funny red hat. He has two arms which are as small and skinny. Mudwiggle is strong and funny and wears a big t-shirt. Mudwiggle can hold people up on his finger and spin like a spinner. I chose Mudwiggle because in the book he was described a lot. The special thing is he can save people.


Bad Jelly is as evil as a bad wolf. Her hair is as long as a snake. He hat is stiff like card. Her nose is long as grass. Bad Jelly is old and she has spots. Bad Jelly is an evil person. She likes to eat people for breakfast. I chose Bad Jelly because I like her!


Bad Jelly the Witch is as bad as a white tailed spider. Her teeth are as dirty as some wet mud. Her hair looks like spaghetti because it’s squiggly. She wears a black cloak and a pointy hat. She eats children for breakfast. I chose Bad Jelly because she is the main character.


Bad Jelly the Witch has hair like a humongous ponies mane. The teeth of Bad Jelly are as big as a tigers jaw. Bad Jelly’s hair is as curly as noodles. Bad Jelly is as mean as a black tarantula. She wears a black pointy hat. She is as ugly as a giant with 1000 eyes at the front and back. She is so horrible that she would put two kids in a bad. Bad Jelly’s nose is as long as a stick. I chose Bad Jelly because she’s the main character in the story.


Fluffy Bum the Cat has curly ginger hair like a ripped up bit of ginger biscuit and has black paws as black as a soaked stone. Also he has large long ears with a light pink inside as pink as a rose. Fluffy Bums tail is as fluffy as some bed fluff. He has green breath taking eyes. Fluffy Bum smile is as delightful as a freshly made snowman.

Fluffy bum is as soft as a baby’s skin and is as supportive as a screaming fan. He is as playful as a crazy kid but is as careful as the tooth fairy. He is as funny as a circus clown. He likes to play with toy mice.

I chose Fluffy Bum because she is funny and easy to talk about.


Dulboot the Giant is as cruel as the Punisher. Dulboot is like no other animal or human. He is as scary as a 1 million tarantulas suddenly coming out of the ground. Dulboots ears are as big as elephant ears. Dulboot is a very mean, ugly, unfair giant that is as tall as a skyscraper and as unpleasant as a person who spits all the time. Dulboot likes to help Bad Jelly roast her sausages. Dulboot is special because he has eyes all around his head.


Dulboot the horrible giant wears a heavy green singlet and a huge pair of pants as black as the night sky and a whip lash belt with a buckle made of kids bones. He has short lanky purple hair, which sticks up like spikes on the end of pitchfork. He has 25 eyes around his head and they are stare at you like a snake stares at its prey. He has long stubble on his chin. He is an evil non-happy spoilsport and is utterly unreliable.

He likes to eat cows and spy on the villagers near by. He is pro at kickboxing and cow talking.

Dulboot is special because he is funny and tall. I chose to write about Dulboot because it an opportunity to use some new adjectives.


Bad Jelly is as evil as can be. Bad Jelly has black hair and is as mean as a mean dog. She wears stinky clothes. Bad Jelly has as bendy hat, which is black and wears black dark clothes. Bad Jelly likes to eat kids and likes to be evil. I chose Bad Jelly because she is evil.


Bad Jelly the witch has a big long hat. She has witch teeth, like a shark. Bad Jelly is like an old lady. Bad Jelly is an evil witch. Bad Jelly has pink straight hair. Bad Jelly has a scary voice like a scary giant. She has one hundred eyes on the front and back of her head. She has a long nose like an elephant. Bad Jelly is evil like a magpie. Bad Jelly likes to eat children. I chose Bad Jelly because she is evil.


Bad Jelly the Witch is as big as a bad ant. Bad Jelly’s hair is like a bowl of curly noodles. She has white sharp pointy teeth. Bad Jelly has a black hat. She also has a wart that sits on her nose. Also her nose is as big as long grass. Bad Jelly is so horrible that she eats kids and locks in a tower. She is a kid robber! I chose Bad Jelly because she is mean.


Tim is a strong boy. Tim’s hair is as dark as a moonless night because it’s dark and unseen. He is as brave as Alexandra the Great. His clothes are warm like the blazing fire because his clothes are nearly overheated. His eyes are bright like a glowing light bulb. Tim’s teeth are bright like a lantern because his teeth are clean. His legs are thick like a muscular giant. Tim is a boy who lives with is little sister, 1 dog, 1 cat and dad and a mum. Tim likes to run fast around the block. I chose this character because this character is awesome.

By A

Bad Jelly is as ugly as a hideous mole. She is as magic as a magic fairy. Her hair is hideous as jellyfish legs. Bad Jelly’s clothes are black, wet and gross. She smells like a green muddy duck pond. She eats little children for breakfast. I like Bad Jelly because she is evil. She loves to make magic.

By L

Rose is as pretty as a rose. She has green sparkly eyes and long hair. She wears long pink dress and nice sparkly purple shoes with nice blue spots like a spotty dog. She is as kind as a superhero. She likes to be happy. I chose Rose because she is kind.
By K


  1. cool storys room18 !it was hard finding some thing for you to work on!!!

  2. Amazing stories you guys! I especially liked the use of similes. Good job!
