Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Bird Feeder Ideas

Have a look...have a go...did it work?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Reflections

We have been focusing on Problem Solving all term. Here are some of our reflections on our strategies that we have learnt to use. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Room 18 have been learning to entertain others. We wrote narratives for junior children. We then created our stories into a book. We based our story around the Gingerbread Man. We wrote our story from the point of view of the fox. Keep an eye out for our fantastic work over the next few days :)

No Food
Mr Fox by Briana

I am learning to entertain others : By Charlotte

No Food
This is my narrative about Mr Fox. Read, enjoy and leave a comment

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Swimming Goals

We return to the pool this week for our last week of swimming instruction until Term 4. Here are our goals we are working on:

Jarrod: Swinging my feet when diving : I am going to work on this in Term 4
Jack: Breathing with freestyle: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to try to swim faster
Gabby: Breathing on my back: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to swim a length without getting tired
Joshua: Keeping his eyes open, watching where I’m swimming: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to work on getting my arms straighter
Hollie: Keeping my body straight in freestyle: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to work on making my arms going faster
Keisha: Swimming the whole width without stopping: I can do this on my back, in Term 4 I am going to aim to get right across
Piper: Breathing on my back: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to work on going faster and work on not getting water up my nose in backstroke
Emma: In backstroke keeping my legs together: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to do better freestyle 
Kiana: Trying to not sink: I achieved this, in Term 4 I am going to practice my breathing when doing freestyle
Brianna: Faster with the 200m challenge: I almost achieved this, I am going to work on this in Term 4
Charlotte: Keeping my arms out of the water in freestyle: I achieved this. I am going to work on swimming across the pool without stopping. 
Lily: Working on my breathing in freestyle, I achieved this. In Term 4 I am going to work on my backstroke
Jolene: Diving – going across the pool: I achieved this. In Term 4 I want to be able to swim 100m. 
Tom: Being more confident to put my head under. I achieved this. In Term 4 I want to swim a whole width without stopping
Savannah: Working on my breathing in freestyle: I achieved this. In Term 4 I want to swim faster. 
Olivia: Keeping my legs straight when kicking. I achieved this, I am now going to work on keeping my body straight. 
Riley: Diving – keep my head down. I did this, In Term 4 I want to be able to keep my legs straight
Francis: Keep afloat with my starfish on my back. I can do this. I want to be able to swim a 100m. 
Luka: Swimming straight in backstroke. I was able to do this. I need to be able to swim faster 100m. 
Tyrone: Backstroke – legs keeping straight. I will still need to do this. 
Jared: Kicking and putting my head under. I will still need to work on this. 
Ethan: Keeping afloat on my back. I still need to work on this in term 4. 
Tommy: Diving out – not down. I still need to work on this in term 4. 
Liam: Diving – keep my head down. I almost achieved this, i want to keep my legs straight. 
Lenique: Diving – keep my head down – fingers go in before my feet. I achieved this. In Term 4 I am going to work on swimming 100m without stopping. 
Cameron: Keeping my body long. I improved on this but I still need to work on it in Term 4. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bird Feeders

We have decided that we would like to see more birds outside our classroom. We decided that we should make some bird feeders.

We asked Mr Roberts (who is a bit of an expert) to come and talk to us. Mr Roberts came and showed us how he makes Bird Shacks. A bird shack is where birds can go in and build a nest. He showed us how he put the bird shacks together. Then we had a discussion around the types of food that birds would like:

Honey and Sugar Water
Mutton Fat
Bread – wholegrain bread because it has seeds in it

We talked about what types of birdfeeders we could make.
Mr Roberts thought that a Pinecone one would be really good. We would have to dip the pinecone into fat, then put seeds on it. The birds can balance on the pinecone to eat.