Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fact Finding
Brontosaurus became the most famous species of all time (Keisha)
The Seismosaurus actually means earthquake reptile (Brianna)
Brontosaurus was discovered in 1874 (Jolene)
Bronotosaurus name is Thunder Lizard (Jack/Joshua)
The name Brontosaurus is now called Apatosaurus (Joshua/Jack)
Brontosaurus had a tiny brain (Olivia/Savannah)
Brontosaurus had a 100year life span (Savannah/Olivia)
Plant eating dinosaurs did not chew food (charlotte)
Bronotosuarus is maybe related to the Loch Ness (Francis)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Dinosaur research
Today we used the computers to search out some interesting information to help us do this.
Here are some of our useful facts:
1. Dinosaurs had strong muscles to lift its heavy body (Jarrod)
2. T Rex is classed as a crocodile (Jolene/Lenique)
3. Loch Ness monster is real and its a dinosaur (Joshua/Ethan)
4. We think the Loch Ness monster is actually a family of dinosaurs (Cameron)
5. Dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago. (Kiana/Brianna)
6. Loch Ness monster is Scotish (Charlotte/Emma)
7. All ground dinosaurs have strong legs, even little ones (Lily)
8. Dinosaurs have changed over time (Francis)
9. There were lots of prehistoric creatures with names we can't pronounce (Savannah/Piper)
10. Loch Ness' nickname is Nessie (Keisha/Gabby)
11. We can go back 4.5 billion years for our earths history (Liam)
12. Some dinosaur legs are bigger than people (Jack)
13. There were 5 sightings of the Loch Ness monster when in 1933 (Tom)
14. People have taken fake photos of the Loch Ness monster (Riley)
15. The Loch Ness monster can be found in the Loch Ness Lake in Scotland (Haare)
16. A T Rex is a meat eater dinosaur (Kiana)
17. The Loch Ness monster was first sited in 1534 (Cameron)
So we need to evaluate do we think the Loch Ness monster is real? Does it still exist?
What do you think?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Mrs Waterland
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Learning how to animate kidpix
We worked really hard and managed to almost produce a whole retell of the story The Lion and the Mouse.
Today we had the laptops and we had to describe one of the characters or the setting from the story "The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe." We could chose to do it anyway we liked. Mrs Waterland said to try to animate it if we wanted to.
Here is one of animations...thanks to Savannah and Gaby. Well done guys!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Giraffe poem
Long rough tongues
Tall thin legs
Long length neck
Spotty smooth skin
Knobby knees
Huge hard hooves
Gangly giraffe
Could I learn from you?
By Room 18
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
WALT retell
WALT build on our vocabulary knowledge
WALT be creative
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
iron Brion
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Cameron's Fable
We have written our own fable. Here is one of them. Thanks Cameron for sharing.
Can you work out the moral or message?
One extremely foggy night a mother kiwi was protecting her eggs, when suddenly she heard something in the bus. She went closer to investigate but she did not realise that it came from teh other side of the bush!
Then suddenly out popped a possum. It grabbed one of the kiwis eggs as fast as a bolt of lightning! The chase was on!
Kiwi quickly turned just in time to see the possum disappear into the bush. Kiwi zipped into the bush hot on possum's tail! Finally the possum was cornered.
"Give back my baby!" said the Kiwi.
"You can have if if you win a death race!" said the Possum.
"How do I now you won't eat the egg?" asked the Kiwi.
"We will both leave the eggs here," said the Possum.
"OK, You're on!" shouted the Kiwi.
The next day Kiwi and Possum met up. Possum said " Ok, first we will submarine to the bottom of Marinas trench, and then we will surface. Next we will go to the beach. Then we will dune buggy up a ramp, through a firey hoop and return to the start."
"Ok,' answered the Kiwil
Finally it was time to start the race.
"All contestants to the start," said the announcer. But what Kiwi didn't realise was that the possum had drilled a hole into the Kiwis sub. But the possum got into the wrong sub! Halfway to the marinas trench Possums sub sank. "Curse you Kiwi!" were his last words.
"I guess I win the race," smiled Kiwi.
When Kiwi got to the shore Kiwi got her eggs back.
The moral: Don't do bad deeds - they do you no good.
By Cameron
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
T3 oral language: Narrating poems
Success criteria:
- Practice our poem
- Speak clearly
- Look at our audience
- Speak at a good pace
- Use expression to make it interesting
- Use some good movements
We are then practicing in our class and then putting them onto photo booth, to then upload onto our own individual blogs.
Here is one we are going to share from Brianna - she was first!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Learning to appreciate our teeth
Animal reports
A Bengal Tiger is the biggest of the cat family. It is an endangered species.
The Bengal Tiger is located in India, parts of China and also lives in Bangladesh in grasslands and forests.
A Bengal Tiger is usually orange and black. Sometimes they are white and black. Their height is normally 2 metres or more.
The Bengal Tigers prey includes monkeys, wild pigs and guar. Their favourite prey is Chital and Sambar.
To mark the Bengal Tigers territory the Bengal Tiger walks in circles and urinates. A Bengal Tigers roar can be hear 2 miles away.
A trained Bengal Tiger would be an excellent pet if it obeyed you. Its fur is used for materials.
By Cameron
The snake family is in the reptile family. Snakes are very long.
Snakes live in trees and in hot places.
They eat meat, like mice and frogs.
Snakes do not have ears but they can still hear.
Snakes catch their food by killing it with their teeth and crushing it too.
Snakes have very good eyesight which help them find animal for food.
Some snakes have poison called venom which they use to kill their food.
I would not like a pet snake because it would kill me. . I would only want to see a snake in the zoo.
By Ethan
Butterflies are in the insect family.
These insects are located anywhere in the whole wide world.
They have antenna, a head, and legs, 2 pairs of wings and they can be different shapes and sizes.
Butterflies lay eggs on swan plants. They hatch into lavae. They eat the leaves to dissolve into a pupa, then they hatch into an adult.
They can fly and spread their wings.
Butterflies eat nectar from plants.
By Emma
The penguin is a good swimmer. They are in the bird family.
These birds live in the sea and in the Artic. They stay in groups.
They eat fish, squid and shrimp. They also eat krill and prawns. All of the mums go fishing. When the mother gets back they give the fish to the babies and the father.
Penguins are good at diving in the water. They like to slide on their tummies.
Penguin feathers are waterproof. They have black and white feathers. The penguin has wings but they do not use them.
Penguins would be a good pet if you like to go diving.
By Brianna
Snakes are part of the reptile family. Snakes are poisonous.
Snakes can live in New Zealand in the zoos. Snakes live in hot places.
Snakes eat worms and rats. Snakes do not chew, they swallow their food whole.
Some snakes are wet and some are dry. Snakes have no legs.
Snakes are amazing hunters. They can feel the vibrations of their prey. Snakes can spray venom in people’s eyes and blind them. Snakes slither on their tummies.
Baby snakes come from eggs. When they are born they are small.
Snakes are part of the reptile family. Snakes are dangerous.
By Jack
Giraffes are the tallest mammals that live in the wilderness. Giraffes live on African grasslands. They live in small herds.
Giraffes are brown and white and have ears and eyes. Giraffes are unusual because they have blue tongues. Giraffes have the longest neck and legs of any animal.
Giraffes walk around and eat, run, sleep and kill predators. They can run up to 56 kilometres an hour!
Giraffes eat twigs, leaves, plants and trees in the wilderness.
Baby giraffes are born from their mothers. Giraffe’s usually only give birth to one baby at a time. Baby giraffes are called calves. A baby giraffe is two meters tall.
Giraffes are the tallest animals on earth. I wouldn’t like to have a pet giraffe because it wouldn’t fit in my house.
By Joshua
Bees are in the insect family and they are very little with little wings too.
Bees can live in a hive, bee shacks and trees. Bees live in most parts of the world, except the Artic and Antartica.
They eat nectar and pollen and honey too. The honey goes in little holes in the hive.
The Queen Bee lays the eggs in small holes with wax in it. Then the egg hatches into larva and larva changes into a pupa. Then pupa changes into an adult bee.
Bees gather pollen and when they find pollen the do a little dance and then they work to make the honey.
A bee must visit over 4000 flowers to collect enough nectar to make one tablespoon of honey.
Bees are insects and they a little prickle called a sting. Some people are allergic to them and can die if they are stung.
By Piper